Hello Sovranti Family,

Our next virtual convention is AwSHUX, October 16-18. We are super glad to be a part of another online community. Here is a link to our list of events for AwSHUX. Thanks to everyone who hung out with us during PAX Online. We hope to see you back with us at AwSHUX!
Congrats! Everyone has Sovranti Silver Access (or above). Silver Access means you can invite your friends and start any of the games on that week's Silver Menu (rotations start on Sundays). Play on a tablet, phone, or PC/Mac all together! When your friends sign up, they will get Silver access for FREE.

Visit our website to download the app: https://sovranti.com/install. Signing up and playing is free. We look forward to later this year, when early access to the Gold and Platinum menus open up, and we add more titles to the platform. Here is October's Silver Menu listed by week.

Need a socially distant place to hangout and play games with your friends? We host a game night every Tuesday where we'll personally help you get started with the platform and teach you any of the games on it. The fun starts at 6pm Central.
If you have a group and want us to help you get started, message @Sovranti-Dani in Discord. She will make sure a GM is there to help you get going.
The Developer Blog - Read about the world of our developers as they create our social first, rules enforced, digital board gaming platform. Every other week we talk about the specific development challenges and the milestones of titles coming to Sovranti. In the last month, we have posted the following two blogs. Here is a brief summary for each:
Volume 0.5 - Unique Mechanics: The influx of people and ideas are driving innovations, creating new subgenres and raising gamers’ expectations on what a “good” title should include. Working with the publishers who embody this evolution is one of the most fun parts of building the Sovranti platform.
Volume 0.6 - Human Interaction: Board games are meant to bring people together. When board games are moved online, what essential qualities need to be preserved that differentiate tabletop from other forms of e-entertainment? We believe it is the type and quality of human interaction.
Visit our website to view more Blog posts, Newsletters and other articles: https://www.sovranti.com/news
- Dani
Sovranti Community Manager