Hello Gamers,
The summer Olympics are coming! To celebrate, we’re enlisting some of our favorite board game celebrities for our own version of the games, the Sovranti Olympics - four events, four different weeks all played for internet glory and to win prizes for their fans. You can keep up on the event on social media and on our website.
Want to compete? You can be a Sovranti Olympian too by gaming with or for one of the teams. Each week we’ll let you know how you can help your favorite board game celebrity! Come join us on social media.
New Game on Sovranti: Skull King from Grandpa Beck's Games
We are excited to announce a new partnership with Grandpa Beck’s Games, and our developers are almost finished with Skull King! For those unfamiliar, Skull King is an approachable crowd pleaser for up to 8 players.
In this trick taking game, you must make the exact number of tricks you bid each round to stay afloat. Battling with your rivals, you seize every opportunity to sink those scallywags. The pirate with the highest score at the end of the game wins and earns the title of Captain of the Seven Seas!
New Blog Series: Game Mechanics and Why They Matter.
We’re focusing on this fundamental element of board games. We’ve upgraded our blogging method and presentation: each topic has original illustrations by Mark Eberhardt and you can even listen to the blog as a micro-podcast! It’s a great listen in 3 mins. Click here to listen.
Strategy Guide Videos
Love Point Salad and want to improve your play? Kim from Tabletop Rebellion lists 3-ways to tighten up your game and Point Salad is week 1 of the Sovranti Olympics! Check out the video.

All games in FREE Silver rotation in July!
The free Silver game menu in July matches up with the Sovranti Olympics! Make sure to follow along, invite your friends and support the teams.
If you play an Olympics Exhibition Game, post your game screenshot on social media and tag Sovranti and your favorite Sovranti Olympics celebrity team to help them score points!
- Dani
Sovranti Community Manager