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July 2021 Newsletter

Writer's picture: DaniDani

Hello Gamers,

In August, we are exploring Sea & Space with Skull King from Grandpa Beck’s Games and Planet Unknown from Adam’s Apple Games.

First at Sea with Skull King, amass a pirate fleet and earn a bounty of games! Complete a 7-player game of Skull King at least once in August and Dani, our Community Manager, will send you a Platinum Code for 3 months of access (from 9/1/21 to 12/1/21). You’ll have access to the entire Sovranti library for you and anyone sitting at your table! Skull King will be available free to play all August so everyone can join in the fun and win pirate treasure.

Next, to space and the return of the Planet Unknown SOLO Mode Contests! Compete with other planeteers for the highest score & win real life prizes from Adam’s Apple Games. We’ll be running two separate week-long events back-to-back starting August 16th.

There will be prizes for the highest score, runner up, and a drawing for everyone else who put on the space helmet and joined us on the adventure. Be added to our wall of fame here. The exact combination of game settings will be announced on Facebook as part of the events. Winners will be chosen from those who post a screenshot to the FB events. Planet Unknown will be free to play all month so you can prepare to launch! Click here for all the details for each event this month.


Conventions are almost here!

Here are the conventions we’ll be attending this fall, if you’re going, be sure to stop in and say “hi” or better yet join us for a game. See what fun we’re up to at our booth, con events & online.

  • Gen Con: September 16-19 / In-Person & Virtual

  • Origins: September 30- October 3 / In-Person & Virtual

  • Geekway to the West: October 4-7 / In-Person

  • Gamehole Con: October 21-24 / In-Person & Virtual


Our latest blog series continues: we discuss the granddaddy of all Mechanics - Roll & Move and why even after 5,500 years of human history, it still matters. Check it out or give it a listen here!


Here is the free Silver game menu for August!

- Dani 

  Sovranti Community Manager 


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