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Games are Important 2022

Writer's picture: JasonJason

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It is our connections, not our differences, which sustain us. Family, friendship, community and fandom allow us to be part of something larger than ourselves & give us the opportunity to love and share. Games can be the infrastructure for social interaction - the excuse we use to connect with others. Games are important.

Gratitude reaffirms your connections. 2021 was the best & worst time to launch a social online gaming platform. The internet became our portal to well… EVERYTHING, but screen time has limits and the entirety of the interwebs wants to fight for our attention. Despite all this, folks joined us for games on Sovranti. Those people & the time they share with us is precious and I’m thankful for each laugh we’ve shared.

Making new connections isn’t always easy. Even in more normal times, we’re challenged to bring new people into our lives. Games have been the first step of countless friendships & will continue to be so. Offering folks a place to game is like offering them a countryside full of yet-to-be-discovered friends. Helping individuals find each other is a wonderful byproduct of what we do.

Connecting is Important

The last 2 years distanced us from many folks: our gaming group, golf buddies, movie partners, dinner friends etc. We've had to get creative to stay in contact while minimizing physical interaction. It’s important that we don't lose touch because we need these people and they need us. Our support structure keeps us all sane.

You are important. Games help improve not only reasoning, but communication & social skills. They encourage us to meet new people & learn new things. They aren't only fun, but can make us better. Games have the potential for both self care and self improvement.

Games are fun. Don’t underestimate the value of fun and the importance of a little distraction. Fun can create some much needed distance from your problems and give perspective. That distance can allow you the opportunity to be kind to yourself & others. Kindness is an affirmation of our connections.

To the gamers who joined us for events & game nite, to our helpers at conventions, and to the publishers who trusted their titles to our platform I want to thank you. 2021 wasn’t easy, but I have a lot to be grateful for and all of you were a huge part of that. Thank you.

In 2022, I hope to build on our success: more games, more laughs, and more new friends. Each connection is a celebration and makes the world a little better by spreading fun & kindness.

Publisher: Atlas Games

Sovranti Developer: Eric

The development of Dice Miner multiplayer continues. We know a lot of you are as excited as we are. We can't wait to share digital Dice Miner with you soon!

To install Sovranti, visit


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